
英銘 / 2015-09-26

閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱讀測驗的解題並不難,記得先從題目看起,再去看文章。如果是與題目無關的句子,不要浪費太多時間去鑽研,這 樣還可以節省作答的時間。此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“language” (語言)、“develop” (發展),所以文章一定是跟語言的發展有關。 

  Linguists subscribe to the belief that the languages of about
  one-third of the human race all developed from one Indo-European
  language. But who were the speakers of this ancient language?
  Linguistic detective work offers some clues: you can deduce a
5 people’s history from the words they use. Study of some fifty ancient
  vocabularies has led to a reconstruction of the lifestyle of the first
  Indo-Europeans, a vanished people. From the words they used, it
  seems likely that they lived a half-settled, half-nomadic existence.
  They worshipped gods who are clear ancestors of Indian,
10 Mediterranean, and Celtic deities. However, exactly who the original
  Indo-Europeans were and when they lived remain a hotly debated
  mystery. According to an early theory, they lived in Mesopotamia, but
  this idea was exploded by nineteenth-century archaeology. Today,
  some argue for the Krugan culture of the Russian steppes, others for
15 the farming culture of the Danube valley. The most widely accepted
  theory locates the Indo-Europeans in a cold, northern climate where
  common words for snow and wolf were important. None of these
  prehistoric languages had a word for the sea. From this, and from
  our knowledge of nature, it is clear that the Indo-Europeans must
20 have lived somewhere in northern central Europe.

(  ) 1. According to the passage, what does the underlined word “exploded” mean?
(A) Disproved (B) Burst (C) Arranged (D) Destroyed

(  ) 2. According to the passage, who might have created the Krugan culture?
(A) The original Indo-Europeans
(B) A tribe of Celtic origin
(C) A farming people in ancient Mesopotamia
(D) A tribe that led a settled life

(  ) 3. According to the passage, what kind of study plays a major part in helping us understand the history of the Indo-Europeans?
(A) A study of prehistoric plants  (B) A study of prehistoric deities
(C) A study of prehistoric climate  (D) A study of prehistoric languages

(  ) 4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) None of the prehistoric languages studied had a word for sea.
(B) About two-thirds of human languages stemmed from Latin.
(C) The Indo-Europeans did not worship their gods and goddesses.
(D) There was an explosion in ancient Mesopotamia.



英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第 一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“language” (語言)、“develop” (發展),所以文章一定是跟語言的發展有關。


explode  v.  爆炸、爆發、推翻、激增   (always)
The terrorists exploded a bomb in a mall.  
Stanley exploded with anger when he saw his wife kiss another man.  
Ricky's rumor has been exploded.     
Investment by Germany firms has exploded.

disprove  v.  反駁、證明...是虛假的  (always)
The lawyer defied anyone to disprove the defendant's statements.
Mr. Upton argues that the theory has been disproved.

burst  v. n.  爆炸(發)、破裂  (always)
Sandy felt as if her heart would burst with joy.
There was a burst of laughter in the next classroom.

arrange  v.  佈置、安排   (always)
Eleanor arranged the flowers in a vase.       
The seminar has been arranged for next Monday.

destroy  v.  毀(破)壞、消滅   (always)
Should there be a nuclear war, the whole world will be destroyed.
Caleb had to destroy the injured horse.
Caleb不得不殺死那隻受傷的馬。 同義:demolish, destruct, ruin.




(1) 英銘國考英文周刊-No.97-對話篇
(2) 英銘國考英文周刊-No.97-克漏字篇


    公職王電子報 國考英文
    創作者 屏東學廬司法特考 的頭像


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